Pets in the Hot Tub

You finally take the cover off of your hot tub after waiting for it to heat up to the perfect temperature of 102℉.  You have been awaiting this moment from the second you pressed “Shut Down” on your work computer and left the office.  The jets bubble a siren song, gently calling your name. Trying not to look too desperate, you fling your body into the warm paradise that you can no longer deny. Just as you’re about to close your eyes and slip into absolute bliss, you see two little paws poke over the edge of the spa, quickly followed by two floppy ears and cute little eyes.  Your dog’s smiling face pokes over the edge begging for you to give him permission to join you.  Do you let him?  Or do you shoo him away and continue relaxing alone?

I hope you decided to shoo him away.  

Despite how wonderful many-a-youtube video has made us believe they are, hot tubs are not the place for pets.  Not only are there cleanliness considerations, but also the health and safety of your dog or cat needs to be considered.  Many animals have died from exposure to the temperatures and chemicals in hot tubs. I hope you think twice next time you see those sad puppy dog eyes longing to leap into the hot tub beside you.


No matter how often you bathe your pets, as they wander around the yard and home, they collect dirt and dust.  You use different shampoos and sprays on your animals and as your pet jumps in, all of that will come off and become mixed with the water.  Also, any hair and fur your pet sheds will collect in the filter, potentially clogging it.  Long story short, if you take your dog into the hot tub, it will inevitably smell like dog the next time you go to use it.

Health Considerations

Pets can’t always swim, and the jets in the hot tub can exhaust small animals, making swimming even more difficult.  Dogs do not sweat, so they cool themselves off by panting.  Inside a hot tub, the water is too warm for this to be effective, and they can quickly overheat.  While 102℉ is perfect for a human, if a pet is in the water, it should not be warmer than 85-90℉.  The chemicals in the water are also dangerous for your pets.  They can quickly get into their eyes, dry out their skin and since you can’t tell your pet to not drink the water, become dangerous or even deadly if swallowed.  

If you insist on taking your pet into the hot tub with you, make sure to give them a thorough hose down before entering to remove anything picked up on their coat during the day, as well as any shedding fur.  Make sure that the temperature is barely warm and only allow them in for short periods of time to prevent overheating.  Make sure to bathe them after to remove any chemicals that will stick to and dry out their skin.

Aquatech Utah
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